In recent months, the New York Times appears to be going out of their way to avoid coverage of the one presidential candidate with the highest favorability rating: Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.

Why is that? Of what are they afraid? Here, I share my letter to them. Can they recognize a true David vs. Goliath in our midst, one that is there to help save their own profession? 

Dear N.Y. Times staff: 

Thank you for your excellent reporting, which I have enjoyed and relied on over the years. Your reputation is well-deserved.

I am sure you know that Bobby Kennedy carries the highest favorability rating of any candidate. Why? First, he is committed to restoring power where it belongs: to the people. Through more than 1,000 hours of research as an active member of the grassroots organization, People for Kennedy, I have ample evidence of this to present to anyone.

We see clearly that tyranny can emerge from either side of the political spectrum. Rooted in fear of another Trump presidency (which I fear, also), the Biden administration has gone off the rails in their ‘end justifies the means’ strategy. Both sides are afraid of Bobby, as perhaps they should be. Sadly, this fear has led to an abandonment of most of our shared treasured values as Americans, as both Red and Blue force us into constant battle vs. each other, even fostering deep internal divisions. Mr. Kennedy tells us: “I don’t want to know what side you’re on; I want to know what you care about.” He will stand up in his deeply principled fashion against the behemoth of power that is feudalizing everyday Americans. He will return us from Pottersville to Bedford Falls, if we let him.

RFK comes from a place of unity, social justice, and spirituality. This is where his personal journey in life has taken him. He may literally be our only hope to save Democracy. What Bobby asks of us is to lay down the gloves in our boxing ring of conflict, respect one another, and return to the principles of our founders. The enemy, he points out, is the division itself. 

People under 45, who can barely afford to make ends meet, are flocking to RFK in droves and rejecting the tribal, even libelous, rhetoric being hurled at him. They know what’s at stake. Baby boomers like me are mostly rooted in fear; fear of losing the status quo that has fed an illusion of wealth that they hold a death grip on.

RFK’s impeccable track record on so many issues demonstrates his unique ability to fight like hell for those who cannot fight for themselves. And in true David vs. Goliath fashion, Kennedy appears more and more prescient in his criticism of the very things he is being labeled as a conspiracist for, a tactic those clinging to power love to employ. This is especially true in healthcare, where even the chair of the FDA has now employed the term ‘catastrophic’ to describe our startling plunge in average lifespan (mind you only in America, not globally). The question must be asked: are vaccines a subtle investment in the future cash flow generation of big pharma? And, are we simply too afraid to take this issue on? 

Respectfully, to my knowledge, I notice that you have not devoted any objective coverage of this campaign to your audience, almost as if the Times has lost a piece of its journalistic integrity. Freedom of the press is under direct assault from both major parties. Those in your profession are at risk of becoming stenographers for the state. Of course, that is not journalism, but a form of propaganda. My guess is that you sense this already happening. This is where Bobby shines as a staunch defender of the freedoms we all deserve. “Respectful debate is the fertilizer, the soil, the sunlight for our Democracy,” he reminds us. He will restore your profession to its rightful place in society.

We need heroes in the media. Let’s do something about these issues together. I write to you from my heart and from an informed view. This is about nothing less than our survival: as a nation, and as a society.

Thank you. 


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