How to Help Spread the Word of RFK Jr: Volunteer-Driven Ideas

woman helping spread the word of rfk jr

Creative Ways to Spread the Word of RFK Jr.

Are you eager to help spread the word of Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.’s presidential campaign but unsure where to start?

Our volunteers have been the backbone of our grassroots efforts, coming up with innovative and impactful ways to spread the word and garner support for RFK Jr.

Here are some of the inspiring actions taken by members of our community.

Let these ideas spark your imagination and motivate you to get involved!

Ideas From our Volunteers on how to to Spread the Word of RFK Jr!

Looking for something to do?  Want to contribute to the campaign?  Check out what other members are doing and draw inspiration from their efforts!

Want to add one?  Use the form at the bottom of the page!

Citizen Truth Booths

Set up a table and a chalk/white board with an engaging prompt about issues central to the campaign. Examples:
-Corporate Government Collusion
-The forever wars
These booths would focus on the issues and when citizens come to talk, we can share RFK’s vision.This is an inexpensive way to make a difference and share information!

Peter Pantazis


Light Brigade(s) during rush hours.  Banner waving on overpasses!
HONK & WAVE :wave::wave:

Galen Swain


Spend time every day leaving at least a few positive RFK comments on YouTube vids, not just on “friendly” vids like The Hill/Rising, but also on others that come up in your feed where pundits/hosts say he has no chance to win, etc.



‘Tag’ metal posts outside of your Starbucks take out window with a RFK decal. It’s a ‘thing’ here, so it will be one among many. Put stickers anywhere and everywhere appropriate!

Mary Fraser

Reach out to news organizations asking to see more coverage of the RFK campaign that are not featuring him

Tricia Harris


Conversation, Conversation, Conversation

Every conversation adds value to the campaign.
You only have to find a comfortable way for you to start a conversation with a complete stranger and start talking about why you support RFK Jr. Also be sure to be a good listener, the person speaking needs validation for their political beliefs and opinions.Wearing swag, buttons, shirt, hat. If they like RFK Jr. give them a button and exchange contact information. Take selfies for content.

Galen Swain


Share upcoming film trailers on social media for films that promote RFK’s campaign messages.  For example, I tweeted the trailer to the new film Common Ground (follow-up to Kiss the Ground on netflix) and then I commented that RFK is the only candidate talking about regenerative ag, and I got quite a few likes/reposts.  Same for the upcoming film Into the Weeds about the Monsanto case.  I posted a short vid clip I made in the comments with Cheryl/RFK talking to Tim Dillon about winning the Monsanto case and got likes from that one also.  And Food Inc. 2 will be coming out soon.



Chalk The Block

Share RFK info on sidewalks!

Galen Swain


LTE’s Letters To Editors (Earned Media)

Write your local and national papers with letters to the editor

Galen Swain


Stencils (Organic/Grassroots look)

Everywhere and anywhere

Galen Swain


Video of Call/Response in a conspicuous place (Think flash mob and lots of eyeballs :eyes::eyes:)RFK!……… ALL THE WAY! MEGAPHONE :mega::loudspeaker:

Galen Swain


Create photo/video content for viral social media distribution

Galen Swain


Print out flyers on the top reasons why you are supporting him and share with neighbors and friends, run social media ads 🙂

Will Day


Perhaps the easiest way to spread the word – Purchase and wear merch from

Teddy Mac


Organize artists to create large murals on empty walls (with permission)

Peter Pantazis


People love babies and petsdress your kids and pets in Kennedy merch!  Talk Bobby up!

Teddy Mac


Yard signs!!!!

Teddy Mac


Post signs on bulletin boards:[in Large Bold letters]

“Fed Up? Want REAL change?”
[QR codes for &]

Teddy Mac


Chalk on sidewalks (this could be fun and creative). 

Just in random spots all over the US write on sidewalks and people could learn about him as they walk.

Teddy Mac


Graffiti – 

possibly dangers but some people like a bit of danger.

Teddy Mac


Post stuff on social media…

Teddy Mac


I noticed that if you purchase stuff at farmers market wearing the Kennedy shirt the proprietors will engage with you in discussing RFK Jr, and will accept flyers. Positive responses and get local produce. Win win. :strawberry: :peach: :cherries: :hearts:

Evelyn Burnett


Write RFKJr truth bombs on back windshield of your car with url to website.

Jaclyn Aldrich


Contact and follow up with every organization you can think of in your local community providing info and starting a conversation getting feedback as to what they like or dislike.

Jaclyn Aldrich


Make flyers showcasing mainstream media lies and actual truth with evidence. Helps start people find the rabbit hole themselves…..(  if shy: create truth flyers and make them into paper airplanes and fly them onto people’s porches. ) they will find and follow RFK Jr eventually  🙂

Jaclyn Aldrich


Drop your QR code cards EVERYWHERE you go!! I MEAN EVERYWHERE !!! Wear your buttons and T-shirts too!!

Deana Merritt


Kennedy is the Remedy! (Signage)

There are a zillion podcasters who run ads during their podcast.  Develop a campaign ad that hopefully they would run for freeDevelope a list of Quiz questions: What letters quiver 1%er’s?
RFK JRWho squawks about the truth?
Chicken Little RFK Jr naysayers.
(LOL – skip that one, need to focus on a more :heart: approach:slightly_smiling_face: .)What goes up but never comes down?
RFK Jr’s ratings. If I had a dollar what would I buy?
 A penny for RFK Jr’s thoughts. Roses are red and violets are blue and guess who loves you?
RFK Jr. and all his crew

Don Plummer


Host a series of Heal the Divide coffees or teas for your friends and neighbors.

Mary Fraser

Change your social media profile pictures to something promoting Bobby

Don Plummer


Get permission to put Kennedy yard signs on corner home yards/lots. more visible for more to see. Will have to knock on their door and ask permission and persuade them on Kennedy first.

Will Day


Go to NA and AA meetings and pass out a flyer about RFK’s plans for rehab centers and his working the 12 steps.

Mary Fraser

We have an artist in Santa Cruz that has designed some posters. I will be getting a PDF of it soon. Take it to a local printer and get copies made. Staple them to wooden light poles. Or post on community bulletin boards.

Mary Fraser

Get some stickers made and give them away to kids.  Put them around town too!

Mary Fraser

Invite your friends to your house to write notes to their friends and relatives about Bobby. Everyone has a bunch of cards and postcards stuffed in a drawer somewhere. Make it a party. Serve refreshments and light snacks.

Mary Fraser

Go to senior housing complexes and senior centers. Wear a button and start conversations with people. Pass out buttons and bumper stickers on request. The older people remember RFK Sr and JFK and they loved them. Tap into that.

Mary Fraser

Dress up as Uncle Sam or another character and go to a tourist area to hand out flyers. People will take your picture and post it on social media.

Mary Fraser

Ask your foreign born friends to translate Bobby’s platform into their native language. Make sure it’s proof read by another native speaker and then post it and pass it out in their communities. In my area we have many, many ethnic communities. Pass out voter registration forms too. You will likely find voter registration information in their native language on the Sec of State website

Mary Fraser

Have a picture of Bobby blown up to life size as a cardboard figure. Take it to a tourist area and set it up. People will want to stand next to it and will take a selfie. They will then post the selfie on social media. You could ask them to add a hashtag to the post. Make the cardboard figure with his hand outstretched as though he was going to shake your hand. Stand nearby and pass out flyers. Maybe ask for donations to the campaign thru the business card with QR code.

Mary Fraser

Ask your family and friends to make a donation in your honor to RFK for Christmas and your birthday in lieu of a gift.

Mary Fraser

This is the most important daily activity to me. The comments on videos used to be all negative about RFK2 and slowly more pro RFK2 comments are coming in.It really helps. Even do 1 a day.

Kate Slattery


A long time political volunteer said palm cards like 3 x 5 cards work the best. She made these double sided and passed out 3k at Blues Fest. I think they’re in the downloadables too. She had her is printed on slightly heavier card stock and at a union printer shop. There is a little union printer logo on this. She said it wasn’t much more expensive than Kinkos. I helped her one weekend and she found that the cards were kept because they can go in a back pocket.

Kate Slattery


Write a song about Bobby! Here is an example


Download flyers, scan and copy them and either give them to people and/or post them around the city and in my case with college get the student union stamped with seal of approval and get them out on the campuses at ccsf

Magdalena Soul

I’m posting my QR code menu on bulletin boards in cafés and such:

Noah Widoff


Submit Your Idea!

And we will add it to this page to inspire other volunteers!

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