Protect RFK Jr – elementor

Protect Our Candidate

People for Kennedy’s Initiative to Secure Our Candidate the Protection He Deserves!

 Some Helpful Facts 

  • The campaign submitted a 67 page report from the world’s leading protection firm requesting security for Mr. Kennedy
  • There have been well established security and safety risks as well as commonplace death threats
  • His campaign is spending $1 MILLION A MONTH for private security
  • At least 12 candidates in the past have had the federal government supply security one year or longer before election day.
    •  Obama 551 days before election
    •  Ted Kennedy 400 days before election
    •  Trump (November 2015 for 2016 election)
    •  Ross Perot, a third party candidate, was offered but declined

    Current Status

  • On July 21st, President Biden’s Secretary of Homeland Security, Alejandro Mayorkas,
    wrote: “I have determined that Secret Service protection for Robert F Kennedy Jr is not warranted at this time.”
    Take a look at the actual response from Secretary Mayorkas 


Why This is Important

  • Mr. Kennedy’s campaign is not accepting any funds from special interests or   corporations. Every cent the campaign has raised is from supporters, like ourselves, who believe in his mission
  • See Gavin De Becker, head of Mr. Kennedy’s private security firm’s message for the importance of federally funded security for our candidate
  • Currently, $1 MILLION DOLLARS A MONTH of this hard earned money is being spent on private security. Imagine if these funds could be properly allocated to support Mr. Kennedy in meeting people across the country and spreading the truth!

How You Can Help

  • Call & Send Emails to The White House
    Call & Tweet Secretary Mayorkas – simply leave a message on the comment line
    Call, Email & Tweet to Those Influencing the Decision
    Inspire Others to Join Our Initiative

We have made it simple for you to be involved. If you have never done this before, it is easy. You do not need to be intimidated. The people answering the phone are friendly and are expecting you to share your opinions and concerns.

Follow the simple steps on the following pages:



Have an understanding of who you are calling/emailing and why.

President Biden appointed Secretary Mayorkas who makes the final decision  for Mr. Kennedy to receive federally funded protection.  Voicing our opinion will prompt the reconsideration of this decision.

Secretary Myorakas is the Head of the Department of Homeland Security. By calling and sending him tweets, we are delivering the message straight to the source.

Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, Senate Minority Mitch McConnell, Speaker of the House Kevin McCarthy and House Minority Whip Hakeem Jeffries make up the subcommittee that advises Secretary Mayorkas on this decision. 

By inundating their phone lines, inboxes and tweets with requests to supply our candidate with federally funded security, the message will be relayed to President Biden for Secretary Myorkas to reverse the decision.

  • You will be reaching someone whose job it is to take incoming calls like yours.
  • Be clear and concise and speak from your heart.
  • Please see below for scripts we are providing as inspiration and guidelines for your outreach.  Take some time and find one or two that feel appropriate then please create your own version. First we list phone scripts. These can be modified and used as email content as well. Recommended copy for emails to Congress follow.


“I am calling to request that the President reconsider the decision to not provide RFK Jr Secret Service Protection. The need is pretty obvious and history supports this decision. I find it hard to understand his reasoning and hope that he can find the correctness, let alone compassion in having a presidential candidate be protected in the legal pursuit of the highest office of our country. Please tell the President I ask that he set aside his personal pride and have his administration do what’s right for the safety of the candidate and all Americans involved in our democratic process.”

“I am calling to ask that Secretary Mayorkas grant Secret Service protection to Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. The threat Mr. Kennedy faces is indisputable, and it is inconceivable to your Democratic base that his requests have been denied. Please reconsider your ill-advised decision to deny protection to this highly respected American presidential candidate. Thank you.”

“Please grant Secret Service protection for Robert F. Kennedy Jr., as has been offered for every major Presidential candidate in modern history. Given his family history, the need is more acute. Further, denying protection just makes the Biden administration look petty and small.”

“Please provide Secret Service protection for Robert F. Kennedy Jr. It’s bad enough that you refuse to debate him, and that the DNC stacks the rules against him. What happened to fairness and democracy in the Democratic party? What possible rationale is there for denying him security?”

“I am a staunch Biden supporter. Therefore, I am urging you to provide Secret Service protection for Robert Kennedy Jr. As he has indicated, by not providing it, you are encouraging him to run as an independent. This creates a far greater threat to Biden, not only because he would likely siphon more votes from Democrats than Republicans, but also because if Kennedy were to take just one or two states with 35% of the vote, it could throw the election to Trump by virtue of Republican house member control of a majority of states delegations. Also, providing protection is the right thing to do anyway.”



Please use this script as guidance to create one in your own voice.

I am writing to you today in your role as a member of the Department of Homeland Security’s SubCommittee on presidential candidate protection.
I understand that as a SubCommittee member you recommended that Secretary Myorkas not provide Secret Service protection to presidential candidate Robert F Kennedy Jr. Given the importance of this matter I am hoping you will change your mind on this and let the Secretary and President know.



Copy and customize any of the following sample posts to share on your social media channels. If you wish, include one of RFK’s videos about needing Secret Service protection.

  1. Join #People4Kennedy in calling the White House to tell the President to provide Secret Service protection to @RobertKennedyJr.
    Learn More
    #RFKjr #Kennedy24 #RestoreDemocracy #United4Good #ProtectRFKJr #KennedyAmericans
  3. Protect Our Candidate! History shows that @RobertKennedyJr deserves Secret Service Protection! @POTUS @SecMayorkas @SenSchumer @LeaderMcConnell @SpeakerMcCarthy @RepJeffries Please make this right! #RestoreDemocracy
  4.  #RFKjr #Kennedy24 #People4Kennedy #KennedyAmericans
  5. #ProtectRFKJr #WeThePeople #United4Good

CONTACT LIST:  Phone, Email, Twitter Account

President Biden 
202-456-1111 Tues, Weds, Thurs 11am-3pm EST

Secretary Mayorkas of the Department of Homeland Security DHS Comment line – 202-282-8495 – Leave a message
No email – postal mail only


Senate Majority Leader   Chuck Schumer
202-224-6542 (live person will take message and ask for zip code)
Email  Message Chuck | Senator Chuck Schumer of New York (

Senate Minority    Mitch McConnell 

202-224-2541 (live person unless busy); (859) 224-8286 (Kentucky)

Email   Contact Form – U.S. Senator Mitch McConnell (

Speaker of the House    Kevin McCarthy 

(202) 225-2915 (live person unless busy)

Email  Contact | Representative Kevin McCarthy (

House Minority Whip     Hakeem Jeffries

(202) 225-5936 / (718) 237 – 2211 / (718) 373 – 0033 

Email  Contact | Democratic Leader Hakeem Jeffries (


Download a PDF of the Script

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